Letih oooo
Wah, Sekali lagi tangan den loteh...loteh nak menaip...loteh nak cari bahan...adus,,,kenapa deh?? Ni baru p x-ray. Tanganpun kena cucuk jarum...Aiyo..Something wrong to my hand!!!!!
Sorry guys...am i scaring u all??? neaaaa....this is photo for ntah mane ntah. tetibe leh jumpe mase ngah surfing...relax kay. There is nothing to worried about me kay. I'm fine...really sihat....
Back to the story yesterday....i met my lecturer for a third time already. Gosh, i guess changing new topic will comfort me laa...but then i realize....new topic is not a really good sign from God, new worst day r coming towards my day...haiya, hunting my life now. Now, i have to start all over again. finding the new definitions of that topic yg makin panjang berjeler, extra hardworking on researching the literature review n worst of it...p cari responden yg melibatkan student from secondary school especially PMR student.Mana nak cari???? Pastu...dok kena p pikiaq questions yg nk interview kat depa tuu sema...Adus....malaun betui..(Senang memang senang tapi tuk cikgupun kena sediakan soalan gak) *Malasnye...*Gah3, chaiyok30x....Berusaha100x.....Joging ur mind....@inZ....U can do it.....Hah, ni yg maleh nak cakap when otak dah dok bagi kata2 semangat. Well, i should thanx to my luvly piece of mind for the very strong spirit. keep up the work!!So for kengkawan kat luar....usah peduli betapa besar cabaran yg mendatang coz believing that u could do better will make u be an excellent person in this world. Successfull in social life n ur personal life.Dah, cukup dengan rungutan itu semua...tanam azam baru...n go ahead from others...Till next time..*PS: Anis, thanx for the bag...luvly i guess??? Meet u at home..
: Puspawangi: Waiting for ur comment. i miz u so much. Send my regard to DJRiena
: DJ Emr: Ada ilmu baru for u but i have a lots of commitment now..plez don't mad at me. later kay..
: Pearl: Som Nye cik adik manis ni. Bile nak join bagi comment??? Ask Abang Emr kay.
: Manjalara: Perhaps we should talk in private later. A lots of Stories i wanna share with u.
Till next time lagi n kali ni betul2 punye....babai...
Cari Bahan
Penat baru sampai kat Shah Alam belum reda....penat mencari bahan dah mula menyusul..
Kekadang rase cam nak duduk jerk n lyn segala CD2 yang ada kat bilik member. Tapi ntah nape...jiwa ni tak tenteram. mungkin sebab dah terbiasa buat kerje sampai habis...tak biase buat sekerat2.
Well pagi ni, terkial2 bgun pagi, trus ke Library. Ingat nak cari Thesis lelama. Tetapi bile dah sampai...Komputer Thesis tuu lebih popular dari den ni...maka terpakso den mengalah n pi kat PC Internet n msuk mencari bhan yg related to my topic.
Mule2, den buat tajuk pasai 'Acceptability of Keroncong Songs Among Malaysian' tetapi bile den start buat sampai laaa nak abis...tetiba cam rase skop tjuk tuu terlalu Maha Besar!!!!.
Adus...ni yg kena p jupe En.Shafie n terang abis2 kat dia. Tapi cam ne??? Kelu lidah n buntu kepale den ni. Nak talk ngan dia pasai perubahan tuuu kena bawak sekali tjuk baru...n ape yg parah...tjuk baru den masih dok memikir lagi n blum di cari butir2nye!!!
Ingatkan nak cover tajuk 'Phenomenon of Mixed Language in SMS: Research on Usability Factor and Its Purposes' n Jika dialih bahasa...'Fenomena Bahasa Rojak Di dalam SMS: Kajian Tentang Faktor dan Tujuan Penggunaannya'
Bile di fikir-fikirin....den gak yg suka guna n amalkan bhs rojak ni dalam blog. Persoalan yang timbul...Kenape? Den rase kite terlalu terpengaruh dgn tekanan nak belajo b.i dgn nak pertahankan bhs ibunda kite...den ni pun satu...dah tau gitu...masih degil nak berbicaro pakai bhasa pasar....
Mungkin sebab kandungan dalam blog ni jenis sempoi...journal kite sendiri...tu yang selambe menaip tanpa segan-silu merosakkan bahasa.
Persoalannye, Kebanyakan kite dah sedor tentang tuu tapi masih buat gak....agaknye saje nak layan ati kot???
So u guys...ape pendapat??? patutkah den ni menggunakan bahasa ibunda sepenuhnye selepas ini or den guna full english setiap kali publish this post???
Den bangga jadi anak Malaysia...Den gak bangga berbahasa Malaysia. Tapi persoalan timbul bile kite tak cakap or tulis english...kite di pandang kampung!!! Yang sedih ttuuu...yg pandang kampung tuuu org kite gak...kate kite takkan maju kalau kite dok cakap bahase kite...kate kite takkan ke depan bile tak nak berubah...Betul memang betul....tapi org Jepun bleh berjaya dgn guna bhs dia jerk...Kenapa dak kite ni???
Org kite malu ke nak guna bhs m'yu atau terlalu bangga dek bhs org asing tuu?/?
Kay lahh....further post will be send tomorrow or next2 day...hope korang leh tolong den yang kebingungan ini....
My Old World begin...
For Some other reason, i'm here again to continued my journey. As time past away, i still here...looking at myself n wondering, am i trully be myself?? am i really well enough to my friend? am i sincere enough to my loves one??? Gosh, the question still remain there. untouchable.
Last Tuestday, i finally met my lecturer (Supervisor). before this, i've heard that he was some kind of pist of man. yeah...cerewet n wanna good contribution from his student. u will be in hot pans if u really can't make him smile...Gosh, after a while n after i've seen him....naaaaa...he is very calm n critical thinking man. teliti sikit orangnye..well, the leason for today is...don't jugde book by its cover (Tak Kenai maka tak cinta) n plez don't let any rumours influent u.
For now on, my journey n journal start again. life as a student will never end. easy to get but hard to maintain it. The happiest day today is i finally updated this blog. Rasa cam lega. So, after this, i'll busy enough for my thesis or for some reason they change it into academic writing (Report).
Information n reseach to go now. as much as i it....as much it bother me...my last dateline for the report is on the last day of November 2005. Gosh, puase dek!!. Gaban nak siapkan semua...Emmm, wonder what is my mom doing for fasting day dishes nanti.. emmm..yum,yum. Uph, sesungguhnye hambamu sedang berpuase...Aceh!!!
To my colleague kat luar tuu, simply work hard. good luck for ur final report n buat yang terbaik.
To DJ Emr, i'm not met my friend yet. so, sabar dulu kay. The Knowledge will be yours soon.
To Pearl, be nice n i hope u n ehem-ehem will be end up together. (Amin...)
To Puspawangi...i really miss u so much. ite akap elat agi kat alam eseg kay!!
To Manjalara...hope to c u soon at KL. wonder what r u doing now.
To DJ Zed d Jet, Congratulation to u. Pasni belanje org yerk!!! Gambate Kudasaite (Good Luck)
To my sisters n family...thanx for being there for me. there will be no more
Qaiez@inZ in this world without u guys.
hope to heard from u guys...