Wednesday, December 13, 2006

13 Dec 2006

11 Dec 2006 - Interview n training process at one factory company

Gosh, I hate to say it. Tired n Mad. Everything in one piece. Tired with the Interview n training session system n mad with their (The Company staffs) bad manners to the new comers like me n my sis.

Training until evening. Ahhh. Ingat nak cuba nasib kerja kat situ. Dulu pernah gak masa cuti2 semester dulu kerja kilang tapi tak lah dapat layanan buruk camni. Ishh, dah lahh kena beratur (tak kisah lagik) panggil nama terjerit2. Last2 kena marah n kena @#$%& yang bukan2. Cit. Nie belum kerja lagik ni. Baru training..... Pastu begang gak kena duduk reramai dekat 150 orang berimpit2 n dilayan macam banduan or even worst to say cam PATI (Pendatang Tanpa Izin).

Petang tu, lepas dapat batch or pass pekerja...we (My sis & me) ingat dah abis diduga lah... Kite kena tunggu lak transport kat nun atas bukit. Tak kisah lagi. Naik bas reramai2. Ok fine x kisah lagik coz dulu2 pernah naik bus awam. Tapi kalau start budak2 lelaki kat dalam bus mula seduce us....hah tu yang pantang... Dah byk sgt kitorg sabar. Dah lah tak sempat solat Asar.... Maghrib pun lepas!!!! tak ke dajal sungguh tuu???

Last2, kepala penin... x sedor bile tido (penat giler), bangun subuh terus mintak petunjuk Allah... N stand to my decision (After discussing with my mom) I'll QUIT!!!!

Dahsyat!!! one of decision yg paling hard to make.

So, today i'll make up my mind n ambil keputusan utk terima tawaran kerja with my best buddies kat Shah Alam. Hope Allah will bless my decision n bring the luck through my whole life. Along & Ikin, wait for me to come to Shah Alam. Tq for been there 4 me always.



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